How To Upgrade Drupal 6.x to Drupal 7.x using Drush on Hostmonster

There is information on upgrading Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 using Drush here and here but it isn’t quite as clear as it could be and doesn’t attempt to address shared hosting environments (like Hostmonster) specifically.

Here’s what I did go from D6 to D7:

  1. Create new database for Drupal 7 (and assign a user to that database with all permissions)
  2. cp ~/drush/examples/example.aliases.drushrc.php ~/drush/aliases.drushrc.php
  3. Enable the following in the newly-created ~/drush/aliases.drushrc.php:
  <div class="bg_screen">`$aliases['onward'] = array(
      'uri' => '',
      'root' => '/home/your-user/www/yourd6site/onward',
      'db-url' => 'mysqli://databaseuser:databaseuserpassword@localhost/newd7database',
  1. Run drush site-upgrade @onward from the base-level directory of the D6 site.

This should create a Drupal 7 copy of your D6 site at while retaining your original D6 site and database.