Chinese Phrases - Out and About


吃饭 Chīfàn

Have you eaten breakfast/lunch/dinner? 你吃早餐/午饭/晚饭了吗?Nǐ chī zǎocān/wǔfàn/wǎnfàn le ma?

I’ve eaten. 我吃了!Wǒ chī le!

And you? 你呢?Nǐ ne?

Me, too/Not yet 吃了/还没呢!Chī le/hái méi ne!


喝水 Hē shuǐ

Have you drunk any water this morning? 早上你喝水了吗?Zǎoshang nǐ hē shuǐ le ma?

Yes, thanks! 喝了,谢谢哦!Hē le, xièxiè ó!



Where are you playing? 去哪玩了呀?Qù nǎ wán le ya?

Go for walk! 散步啊!Sànbù a!


穿 Chuān

Wow, it is a bit cold today, take care yourself and wear more clothes! 哇, 今天有点冷哦, 穿多点衣服哦!Wa, jīntiān yǒudiǎn lěng ó, chuān duō diǎn yīfú ó!

Yeah, thanks! You ,too! 好的,谢谢哦!你也是哦!Hǎo de, xièxiè ó! Nǐ yěshì ó!

Take care! 小心哦!Xiǎoxīn ó!

I miss you! 我想你了! Wǒ xiǎng nǐ le!

Hey, what are you doing? 在干嘛啊?Zài gàn ma a?